
Ephesians 5

Daily Devotional from Ephesians 5—

Verses 10-11
…and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

Such a simple sentence. Do you ever wonder what pleases the Lord? Exposing the things hidden in darkness is pleasing to the Lord. It’s not so much just telling people what’s wrong. Much of the time this won’t always be done with words, rather, how you live will speak volumes to people and your actions, while being led by the Spirit, may give answers that words can’t.

In order to glorify God well, we must be transparent and honest about our faith. And for our words to carry weight we must be people who have been disciplined by God. He is constantly shaping us - it may be painful but he keeps prepping us for more and more of His glory until we receive the full weight of glory in heaven. So let God teach what is pleasing to Him, let Him teach you to have a heart that seeks to please God.

Brendan League
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