
Posts with the tag “1-timothy”

1 Timothy 2
by Audrey Rogers on September 24th, 2024
Daily Devotional from 1 Timothy 2--Verses 1-4First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people…Paul urges us to make for all people:Supplications (requests of God)Prayers (general concerns)Intercessions (for specific needs/difficulties)Thanksgivings (expressions of gratitude to the Lord)He makes a point of urging us to pray for “all who...  Read More
1 Timothy 6
by Audrey Rogers on October 3rd, 2022
Daily Devotional from 1 Timothy 6--Verse 15b… he who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of Lords.In this verse Paul is emphasizing the greatness of God. Throughout time, there have been kings and lords - some good and others tyrants.Some have gained their titles by birthright, others by battle or deception or murder - but not our benevolent King, who created the heavens ...  Read More
1 Timothy 5
by Audrey Rogers on September 30th, 2022
Daily Devotional from 1 Timothy 5--Verse 14Give the adversary no occasion for slander. Paul encourages us, as representatives of the gospel, to consider living your life in such a way that doesn’t invite slander. You might choose to do something based on your preference or freedom, but Paul constantly reminds us to be thoughtful of what appearances may bring. As Christians, you will have your crit...  Read More
1 Timothy 4
by Audrey Rogers on September 29th, 2022
Daily Devotional from 1 Timothy 4--Verse 8For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. It’s not easy to train your body to do something. Whether it’s running, swimming, singing, dancing, or painting—new skills take a lot of effort and time. Sometimes it gets frustrating as we practice the sam...  Read More
1 Timothy 3
by Audrey Rogers on September 28th, 2022
Daily Devotional from 1 Timothy 3—Verses 14-15I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth.There are a lot of solid instructions here for people who lead the church. As leaders, there are standards we are to live by. Godly ...  Read More
1 Timothy 2
by Audrey Rogers on September 27th, 2022
Daily Devotional from 1 Timothy 2--Verses 1-2First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.The heart of God for us is to love people well. The best way to love others well is to pray for them. It is very difficult to h...  Read More
1 Timothy 1
by Audrey Rogers on September 26th, 2022
Daily Devotional from 1 Timothy 1--Verse 5The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.What should be the motive of church leaders as they minister to the people in their church? Paul tells us in this verse. It is not to gain popularity or reputation, but to share God’s love with His children. This love comes from faith in God and a belief t...  Read More
1 Timothy 6
by Audrey Rogers on September 30th, 2020
1 Timothy 6:6Godliness with contentment is great gain. Discontentment says, “In order to be happy, I need more!” However, Paul says, “Those who have enough, do have more.” It’s an attitude thing. If you don’t appreciate the little that you’ve got, you won’t appreciate it when it grows. Because you take your attitude with you. Contentment allows you to say, “I have enough.” And you can’t say that u...  Read More
1 Timothy 5
by Audrey Rogers on September 29th, 2020
1 Timothy 5:14Give the adversary no occasion for slander. Paul encourages us, as representatives of the gospel, to consider living your life in such a way that doesn’t invite slander. You might choose to do something based on your preference or freedom, but Paul constantly reminds us to be thoughtful of what appearances may bring. As Christians, you will have your critics in life. They will take a...  Read More
1 Timothy 4
by Audrey Rogers on September 28th, 2020
1 Timothy 4:16Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching.This verse is a critical call to self-care. When you’re in the ministry you love taking care of others. But if that’s all you’re doing you won’t be doing it for long. You’re liable of burning out, or, God-forbid, suffering a moral failure. To the extent that you watch your ministry, make sure to watch yourself. If you hold others acc...  Read More
1 Timothy 3
by Audrey Rogers on September 25th, 2020
1 Timothy 3:1The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. Have you ever felt guilty for having a noble aspiration? Oh, I shouldn’t think of myself in such terms. I’m probably just being vain. So, to get in touch with our humility again, we suppress our “lofty thinking.”   That is why I find it refreshing that Paul encourages noble aspirations. If...  Read More
1 Timothy 2
by Audrey Rogers on September 24th, 2020
1 Timothy 2:3This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. God has desire. Think of that. He craves, He longs, He thirsts. He wants people to be saved. He wants people to know who He is. And that extends to every soul on the planet. And sometimes desire can lead to pain, especially if it goes unmet. Th...  Read More
1 Timothy 1
by Audrey Rogers on September 23rd, 2020
1 Timothy 1:15The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the foremost. If you know you’re a failure—good news, Jesus came for you! However, if you’ve got it all put together and abide perfectly by the rules—Jesus passes you by. Cause you don’t need any help. So, what will it be? Are you going to be self-sufficient ...  Read More


