

We value worshipping together as families on Sunday mornings, but once the music is done, kids get to head to a space all their own for a fun time learning and playing together! Each weekend kids experience the truth of God's word in a fun, safe, and age-specific environment. Our volunteers are loving adults (with teen helpers) who will lead the kids in Bible stories, games and snacks!

We recognize that kid personalities come in all shapes and sizes, and not every kid is wired the same! We strive to get to know your child's needs to ensure they have an enjoyable time. We welcome and love kids and adults no matter their abilities - all are unique and special in God's eyes!

Regarding health safety measures, we always have hand sanitizer in the class, which the kids use before their snack, and we request that kids with a fever, extremely runny nose, or bad cough, or who have had diarrhea or vomiting in the last 24 hours stay home until they feel better.

We believe that children are intuitive and are fully capable of understanding the Gospel message. For this reason, we keep the Gospel at the center of everything we teach. Because they are young, we want to build the foundation of their faith so that as they grow, they won’t just know filtered Bible stories and how to be obedient, but they would understand 3 things on a fundamental level:

  1. Sin separates everyone from God and each other
  2. Jesus provided the only way to mend those relationships by dying on the cross and raising from the dead
  3. They are loved deeply by the Creator and His death and resurrection were for them

The Bible is one unified story that points to Jesus. We tend to paint biblical characters, in isolated stories, as heroes of faith instead of flawed humans who consistently failed. The point of these stories is not to show how awesome these people were, but how deeply sin infected their hearts over and over again, and how our good God, with compassion and forgiveness, decided to work with them anyway.  

Cultivate kids uses the Bible Engagement Project Curriculum for all age levels. The Bible Engagement Project aims to help kids (and adults) learn the biblical story and how to apply it to our lives today!  We believe it helps kids learn when everyone engages in the same biblical theme or story and can talk through it as a family or sibling group. The wonderful thing about Bible Engagement Project is that parents and guardians can have access to lessons and discipleship tools to help their kids engage learning throughout the week. 

To download the app, click the link below!  


We provide clean, safe and fun care for your little ones! All our Nursery workers have been background checked, and are trusted, loving members of our church. We have a special space set up for The Littles where they can crawl, wiggle and play, and we provide a snack for them. We also have a Nursing Mom's room for those who need it.
We love our preschool-aged church members! In our Sprouts room, we help kids begin to understand the the overview of the Biblical story by engaging in play, creativity, and group learning. We spend time remembering key ideas and verses that help us remember what God has done for us. AND - because sprouts need nourishment, snacks are provided! 
A bounce house in a church?! You bet! Well, for special occasions. Our elementary class aims to help kids learn about Jesus while connecting with one another through games, object lessons and engaging Bible stories.